Stress and anxiety in Teen: How to stop stress among teenagers?


Stress and anxiety is a part of human being.All of us know that in this fast-paced world,no one can tell that he has not stress in life.

Stress is a natural and common human experience and it has played a fundamental role in humanity ‘s survival throughout history.When it becomes for a long period,then stress and anxiety becomes toxic and it affects on the health of people like mental and physical problems, impacting their overall well-being.

Stress is the body’s natural response to perceived threats, challenges or demands.When we face stress in life,then ‘fight ir flight ‘response characterized by increased heart rate, respiratory problems and increased blood pressure help individuals manage and adapt to the demands of their situations.


1) External factors –external factors such as workplace pressure, financial problems, family struggles, educational problems, difficultly in concentration can contribute significantly to elevated stress levels.

2) Negative self- talk –engaging in negative thoughts can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.Individuals may become victim of worry or fear, which can exacerbate emotional distress.

3) Genetics and Neurochemistry –Research has shown that an individual ‘s genetic and Neurochemistry can influence their propensity to experience stress.

4) Hormonal changes –Physical changes during puberty can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and discomfort contributing to increased stress levels. Hormonal fluctuations can lead to mood swings, irritability and emotional volatility.


5) Ineffective coping mechanism -The use of maladaptive mechanism,such as substance abuse, self-isolation or unhealthy behaviours can contribute to escalating stress levels.These unhealthy habits may alleviate feelings of stress ,but ultimately contribute to further mental health challenges.

6) Academic pressure –The demands of school, particularly during important transitional periods such as middle and high school can contribute significantly feelings of stress and anxiety in teenagers.High level examination, competitive environments and high expectations, parents and peers can create intense pressure for teenagers to succeed often at the expense of their emotional well-being.

7) Social and peer pressure –Teens are highly sensitive to the opinions and expectations of their peers often feelings intense pressure to confirm and meet socially prescribed standards of beauty, popularity and success.

8) Transitions and life changes –Major life changes such as starting a new school,moving to a new places or navigating familial changes can contribute to heightened stress levels for teenagers. These changes can distrupt routines, challenge social networks and create uncertainty about one’ s place in the world.

Disturb routine

Strategies for managing stress in teens

1) Building emotional awareness and Regulations – Encouraging teenagers to develop a healthy relationship with emotions and cultivate effective emotional regulation skill is essential for managing stress.Caregivers can help teenagers to develop the emotional tools needed to navigate the turbulent waters of adolescence.

2) Establishing a balanced schedule – encouraging teenagers to strike a balance between academics, extracurricular activities and social pursuits can help alleviate feelings of overwhelm and reduce stress levels.

3)  Encouraging open communication – creating a safe, supportive environment for teenagers to openly communicate their feelings and concern can help alleviate feelings of isolation and foster meaningful connections with caregivers.

Caregivers can help foster a sense of trust and emotional safety that can help teenagers navigate the challenges of adolescence.

4) Develop problem -solving skills – Teaching teenagers how to effectively analyse and solve problems can empower them to navigate challenges independently and promote a sense of self -efficacy. Caregivers can help them building confidence, develop critical thinking skills and reduce feelings of anxiety and Stress.

5) Promoting healthy lifestyle –  Encouraging teenagers to maintain healthy habits such as regular exercise, proper diets, adequate sleep can help promote overall physical and emotional well-being and reduce stress levels. As well as, cultivating hobbies can help teenagers devlop a sense of balance, fulfillment and happiness in their lives.

6) Engaging in regular exercise – Regular physical activities has been shown to help alleviate stress by releasing mood boosting endorphins and promoting overall physical well-being. Exercise can also help sleep quality,boost self-esteem and serve as a healthy coping mechanism for managing emotions.

7) Establishing boundaries – if stress becomes overwhelming or interferes with daily functioning,it may be necessary to seek professional help in the form of counseling, therapy or medications.

8) Prioritizing self-care – Establishing healthy habits and prioritizing self-care can help individuals maintain a sense of balance and well-being amid the fast pace of modern life. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, practicing relaxation techniques and engaging in activities that bring joy and happiness.


So,stress is a common and natural response to the various challenges and transitions faced by teenagers during adolescence.By cultivating a supportive, nurturing environment, caregivers can help teenagers develop the emotional tools and manage the better for reducing the stress and anxiety.

Dr S.k.jha

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