What is the best ways to stay fit in the fast-paced world?


All of us want to stay fit in the fast-paced world. Fitness helps to prevent weight gain and keep the body in shape. It is well known that healthy body needs a good balance of both flexibility and mobility.

But unfortunately, most of us rarely think about the importance of our body ‘s ability to maintain healthy and fit. But, as we age, the key to avoiding falls and subsequent injury is by focusing on improving our stationary and moving balance skills.

There are some small changes you can do in your life to be better than before.

1) Drink a lot of water – practice drinking at least 4 litres of water per day. The best time to drink water is just upon waking up.

Drinking water

2) Eat a balance of nuts- Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts etc are a great source of fat. Good fat cuts bad fat. Eat one handful of nuts everyday. Don’t remove the skin of almonds. It is rich in vitamin E.

Balance nuts

3) Switch to low fat dairy products – Always choose low- fat dairy products. Low – fat milk products is easily available in the market.

4) Eat raw vegetables – Onions, carrots, cucumber, cabbage are some vegetables which can be eaten raw. Eat them atleast once a day. They are rich in fibres, antioxidants and help lose the lower belly fat.

Raw vegetables

5) Cut curbs- Indian lifestyle is fond of foods. They take spicy ,salty and more carbohydrates. They used to eating 3-4 chapathi or a big bowl of white rice in meal. These have a high amount of carbohydrates. So, this is what make us fat.  The high carbs which our body does not utilise, get stored as fat in the body. ,so, we should avoid these high carbs in our food.

Spicy foods

6) Workout – Even though, you can lose weight without working out but workout makes the process faster.You can do bodyweight exercises at home.


7) Eat good carbs- Do you know that a chapati is made from whole grains whereas white rice is reformed form of carbohydrates which is formed after removing the husk from brown rice. So, switch to whole grains,good carbs like whole wheat, brown rice,oats etc as they are high in nutrition and fibre.

8) Use cooking sprays- zero calories cooking sprays are easily available online these days. Start using them. They will save you from eating way too many calories that you are currently consuming by using refined oils

9) Avoid the junk food -Sugar and salts are two biggest enemies for health. In fast food and junk food more spicy and salts present, which are not healthy for body

Junk and fast food

So, we should avoid these foods for health.

The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.

10) Increase protein – unfortunately, the most important nutrients are missing in our daily life in form of protein. Protein is essential for overall repair of bidy cells, skin and hair health.


11) Sleep – sleep is most important part in our life. For the body to burn effectively,it is very important that we should sleep 6-7 hours daily every night.

So, sleep and nutrition first, exercise second. I explain it – some of the most muscular people can’t touch their toes and have constant shoulders pain due to lack of mobility and flexibility. Practice mobility as much as muscles.

A healthy human is a lean and muscular human. You don’t need to get extra flab to build muscles and take unhygienic foods.

So, these are some tips to stay fit.

Dr. S.K.Jha

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