
Have you ever had surgery? What for?

Success: what is it and what are its demands for being successful?

Success can be defined differently for each individual, but generally, it means achieving your goals or reaching a desired outcome. However, achieving success often requires hard work, dedication, and determination.

Don’t believe in luck, believe in hard work. Stop trying for a shortcut.

Here are some demands that may be required to achieve success, which are very very important for achieving success in life.

1) Time management – Success often requires a significant amount of time and effort. This means, you have to give priorities the tasks, setting goals and managing the time effectively.

2) Personal sacrifice – Achieving success may require personal sacrifices, such as giving up leisure time or avoiding social activities.

3) Risk-taking – Success often involves taking calculated risks and being willing to step outside the comfort zone.

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.

4)Discipline- Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps growing. There will be days when you don’t feel like doing it. You have to push through those days regardless of how you feel. Success requires discipline in terms of sticking to a routine, staying focused, and avoiding distractions. Successful people are often able to stay focused on their goals and maintain the discipline needed to work towards them consistently.

5) Resilience and perseverance –Success often requires perseverance in the face of obstacles and setbacks. It means continuing to work towards your goals even when things get tough. Successful individuals are often able to overcome setbacks and keep pushing forward even when faced with obstacles.

6) Commitment– Success requires a deep commitment to your goals and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve them.

7) Continuous learning and growth –Success requires a willingness to learn and adapt to new situations and challenges.

8) Networking- Success often requires building and maintaining a relationship with others in your field or industry.

9) Hard work and dedication – Success often requires a strong work ethic and the willingness to put in the time and effort needed to achieve one’s goal.

10) Effective communication and interpersonal skills- Building strong relationships and effective communication with others can often be crucial for success, whether in a personal or professional context.

11) Adaptability- The ability to adapt to changing circumstances, new information, and evolving environments is often key to long-term success.

12) Patience- If you are losing patience, you are losing the battles. First nothing happens, slowly and suddenly all at once. Most people gave up at stage one.

Patience is power

So, don’t believe in luck, believe in hard work and patience.

13) Consistency –Consistency is what transforms average into excellence. Without consistency, you will never achieve greater success.

14) Self-confidence –Confidence is that anyone can achieve a goal. So, believe in yourself and do not think about the obstacles, prove yourself and win over it.

Remember – Dream+Hard work= Success

So, these are a few examples of the demands for success and the specific demands can vary, widely depending on an individual’s goals and circumstances.

Dr S.k.jha

Why stretching is so important for older adults?

Stretching is very important for seniors or older adults as it helps to maintain flexibility, mobility, and a range of motion in the joints. As people age, their muscles tend to become tighter and less flexible, which can lead to decreased mobility and an increased risk of injury. Regular stretching can help to counteract these effects and improve overall physical function.

Stretching can also help to improve posture and reduce the risk of falls and injury in older adults.

By increasing flexibility and range of motion, older adults can maintain better balance and stability, reducing falls.

It helps us to keep our independence and ability to do tasks that we once thought were so busy such as tying our shoelaces or reacting to get something from a top shelf, but can become increasingly difficult as we age.

As we get older, our flexibility decreases. This lack of flexibility can occur for a variety of reasons. Pain can lead to a decrease in flexibility because pain occurs during the movement of a particular part of the body.

If any part of the body is not used then likely to lose flexibility and feel right in that area. This tightness leads to a restriction on movement which can lead to less use creating larger problems for the unused muscle to become weaker.

So, we all must stretch, including a stretch for all major body parts.

The good thing about stretching is that it does not need to be done in a gym and does not need any costly instruments, so happy stretching everyone.

Stretching can also help to alleviate aches and pains associated with aging such as arthritis and joint stiffness. By keeping the muscle movement and joint exercise, stretching can help to reduce discomfort and improve overall quality of life.

Overall, incorporating regular stretching into older adults’s routines is essential for maintaining physical function, preventing injury, and improving overall well-being.

So, older adults need to consult with professional healthcare or a certified fitness trainer to develop a safe and effective stretching program that is tailored to their specific needs, and limitations.

Dr S.k.jha

Meditation: Is it beneficial for the mind and body?

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the mind and eliminating the stream of thoughts that normally occupy it. This can be achieved through various techniques such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, or visualization

Meditation works for the mind by promoting mental clarity, relaxation, and a sense of inner peace. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and improve concentration and overall well-being. By training the mind to focus and be present in the moment, meditation can also lead to a greater sense of self-awareness and a deeper understanding of one’s thoughts and emotions

Meditation is a journey from sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to an unlimited space.

For the body, meditation has several benefits. It can help lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and boost the immune system. It also helps in improving cardiovascular health and even pain relief such as back pain.

Overall, meditation works by calming the mind and relaxing the body leading to a range of positive effects on both mental and physical health. It is a valuable tool for promoting overall well-being and can be practiced by people of all ages.


Meditation works by activating certain areas of the mind and body that are associated with positive mental states such as increased awareness, empathy, compassion, and introspection. The practice also helps to calm the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response, reducing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

This allows the parasympathetic nervous system to take over promoting relaxation and restorations.

Meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years, with roots in various religions and cultures across the world. It involves focusing one’s attention on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

Regular meditation practice enhances overall well-being by improving cognitive function, mood regulation, and resilience against negative thoughts and emotions.

Research suggests that mindfulness meditation may be the most effective for anxiety reduction while loving-kindness meditation can enhance positive emotions like compassion and empathy.


Various types of meditation can be useful in managing stress including :-

1) Loving-kindness meditation:- this involves cultivating feelings of love and kindness towards oneself and others.

2)Mindfulness meditation– this involves focusing on the present moment and observing thoughts and feelings without judgment.

3) Transcendental meditation:- this involves repeating a mantra or sound to quiet the mind and promote relaxation.

4)Body scan meditation- this involves focusing on different parts of the body, relaxing them, and releasing tension.

5) Guided meditation- this involves listening to a guided meditation recording or following a meditation app to help calm the mind and reduce stress.

The goal of meditation is not to control your thoughts, it is to stop letting them control you.

Benefits of meditation

Regular meditation practice enhances overall well-being by improving cognitive function, mood regulation, and resilience against negative thoughts and emotions.

1) make you feel happier

2) improve memory

3) reduce stress

4) improve sleep

5) improve concentration

6) helps with decision making

7) encourage mindfulness

8) improve sex life

9) delays onset of Alzheimer’s

10) encourage weight loss

11) reduce back pain

12) reduce loneliness

13) encourage a healthy lifestyle

14) slow down the aging process

15) no physical exertion

Thus, Meditation can be challenging to incorporate into our busy modern lifestyle, especially when we are constantly bombarded by technology and other external stimuli.

Regular meditation can have benefits for both mental and physical well-being.

Dr S.k.jha

What are the Yoga poses for muscle recovery? Are you eager to know?

As Yoga, You may be familiar with the many benefits that Yoga has to offer. One of the most important benefits is its ability to aid in muscle recovery. Whether you are an athlete or someone who simply enjoys working out, incorporating Yoga into your routine can help you recover faster and prevent injury.

People prefer Yoga for a variety of reasons. Some enjoy physical benefits such as flexibility, stamina, strength, and balance. Others appreciate the mental benefits such as reducing stress, and anxiety, and improved focus and concentration and a sense of inner peace.

Most of us know that we get an injury in life because of work, play, or any other reasons. So, we spend more time thinking about the injury and want to get recovery from this injury. Here, I am trying my best to tell you how to recover and make the muscles strong and recover fast from muscle injury.

But the fact is dedicating more time to recovery is exactly what we need if we want to accomplish our fitness goals more quickly and completely. Using Yoga is one of the easiest ways to do this.

So, spending just a few minutes per day prevents injury and helps in the recovery of muscle.

Increase strength more quickly, decrease the risk of injury from overtraining or muscle tightness, and improve mobility and range of motion for decreased joint pain.

There are some Yoga poses for muscle recovery.

1) Pigeon pose- this one is essential for muscle recovery. The pigeon pose is a deep hip opener that can help release tension in the glutes and hips. This pose can be particularly helpful for those who do a lot of running or cycling.

Pigeon pose

To perform this pose, start in a high plank position. Bring your right knee forward and place it behind your right wrist. Extend your left leg behind you and lower down into your forearms.

Hold for 5-10 breaths before switching sides.

2) Downward-facing dog- Downward-facing dog is a classic Yoga pose that is great for stretching out the entire body including the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders. This poss helps to increase blood flow to the muscles which can aid in recovery.

To perform this pose, start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Press your hands into the ground and lift your hips up and back, straightening your arms and legs as much as possible.

Hold for 5-10 breaths.

3) Child’s pose – The child’s pose is a good pose that can help to stretch out the lower back and hips. This pose can be particularly helpful for those who spend a lot of time sitting at a desk.

To perform this pose, start on your hands and knees. Bring your big toes together and sit back on your heels.

Child pose

Reach your arms forward and rest your forehead on the ground.

Hold for 5-10 breaths.

4) Cobra pose- Cobra pose is a gentle backbend that can help to stretch out the chest and shoulders. This pose can be particularly helpful for those who do a lot of upper body work.

To perform this pose, lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Press into your hands and lift your chest, keeping your elbow close to your body.

Cobra pose

Hold for 5- 10 breaths.

5) Legs up the wall pose- legs up the wall pose is a good pose that can help to increase blood flow to the legs and feet. This pose can be particularly helpful for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.

To perform this pose, sit with your left side against a wall. Lie down on your back and swing your legs up the wall. Rest your areas by your side and hold for 5-10 minutes.

6) Warrior 2- This pose stretches the hamstrings and calves, which can help with muscle recovery. To do it, start in a mountain pose. Shift your weight onto your left foot and lift your right leg behind you, reaching your arms towards the sky.

7) Triangle pose- This pose stretches the hamstrings and calves which can help with muscle recovery. To do it, start with a mountain pose, shift your weight onto your left foot, and lift your right leg behind you, reaching your arms towards the sky. Turn your left foot to the side and reach your right hand toward the ground.

8) Bridge pose- this pose stretches the glutes, hamstrings, and calves which can help with muscle recovery.

To do it, lie on your back and bend your knees. Place your feet flat on the ground and lift your hips until you are in a bridge position.

For the Bridge pose, anyone with a neck injury or shoulder injury should avoid this posture.

So, incorporating Yoga into your routine can be a great way to aid in muscle recovery.

The poses listed above are just a few examples of the many Yoga poses that can be beneficial for muscle recovery.

As always, it is important to listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable for you.

Dr S.k.jha

What are the healthy habits for people to keep fit that no one even knows about?

Adopting healthy habits is crucial for maintaining good health and fitness. By following the habits of fit people, you can improve your overall health and well-being and lead a happy and fulfilling life.

I want to ask a question from all of you. Do you want to lead a healthier, happier, and better life? A few changes could make all the difference. Most people are so busy with fast-paced lives that they don’t care about their health and spend time racing in fast-paced life. They are unaware – no they know that they are not getting enough time to take care of themselves.

But, they want to get fit and lead to a healthier life. Then , a few easy tips I am going to tell you how to get fit in busy life.

Fit people have a variety of healthy habits that contribute to their overall fitness and well-being.

Here are some healthy habits of fit people who may not know about.

1) Eat a healthy breakfast- They eat a healthy breakfast every day. Fit people understand the importance of starting the day with a healthy meal that provides energy and nutrients.

2) Drink plenty of water – They drink water throughout the day. Staying hydrated is essential for optimal health and fit people make sure to drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining good health.

Fit is not a destination. It is a way of life.

3) Exercise – They exercise regularly. Fit people understand the importance of regular exercise for maintaining fitness and overall health. They make sure that exercise is good for them.

Exercise at home
Exercise in Gym

4) Enough sleep – They prioritize enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health and fitness and fit people make sure to prioritize getting rest each night. Fit people make sure that they get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

5) Activeness- They stay active throughout the day. Fit people understand the importance of staying active throughout the day by taking breaks to stand up and move around during stretching Yoga exercises at their desks or taking a walk during their lunch break.

6) Mindfulness techniques or manage stress– Fit people understand the importance of taking time to relax and they practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing or relaxation techniques to reduce stress. Stress can take a toll on your health.


7)Balanced diet- They eat a balanced diet. Fit people understand the importance of eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods to support their fitness goals. They practice mindful eating by savoring their food, chewing slowly, and stopping when they feel full.

8) Organized- They stay organized. Fit people understand the importance of staying organized to support their fitness goals and they plan out their meals, workouts, and other activities in advance to stay on track.

9) Self-care- They prioritize self-care.Fit people understand the importance of prioritizing self-care activities such as getting a regular massage or doing a skincare routine to support their overall health and well-being.

10)Support system – They have a support system that Fit people understand the importance of having a support system of friends, family members, or a community of like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement and accountability to support their fitness goals.

Family members

11) Realistic goals- They set realistic goals for themselves, whether it is weight loss or building muscles. They break down their goals into smaller achievable steps and work towards their consistently.

12) Outdoor activities – Fit people love to do outdoor activities like biking, playing football, hiking, or running, and gardening. Being in nature not only helps them stay fit but also boosts their moods and mental health.

13) Hobbies- Fit people get some time for some hobbies to keep fit like gardening, listening to music, or riding. It boosts them.

14) They limit screen time- Fit people limit their screen time and avoid spending too much time on mobiles, TV, or laptops. They understand the negative impact of excessive screen time on their health and make a conscious effort to reduce it.

Maintaining good health is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. It is not just about hitting the Gym or eating healthy food, it is also about adopting healthy habits that can help to stay fit and healthy in the long run.


Gandhi Jayanti: why do we celebrate it?

Gandhi Jayanti is not just a day to remember Mahatma Gandhi but also to reflect on his teachings and principles. It is a day to renew our commitment to building a better society based on truth, nonviolence, and love. This day is extremely important in the history of India as it honors a leader who not only helped the country achieve freedom but also promoted non-violence and peace. The day is observed around the world as the International Day of Non-violence.

As India celebrates the 154th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated every year on 2nd October to mark the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Nation. This day is observed as a national holiday in India and is also celebrated worldwide as the International Day of Non-violence.

Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujrat. He was a great leader, social reformer, and freedom fighter who played a pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence from British rule. He led various movements like the Non the Cooperation movement, the Civil Disobedience movement, and the Quit India movement, which shook the British Empire and ultimately led to India’s independence in 1947.

Gandhiji was a staunch believer in non-violence and truth.

He believed that violence only begets violence and that the only way to bring about change was through peaceful means. He practiced what he preached and led various movements using non-violent methods like Satyagraha, fasting, and Civil disobedience.

Gandhi’s teachings and principles of truth, non-violence, and love have inspired people all over the world. He believed in the concept of Sarvodaya, which means the upliftment of all sections of society. He worked towards eradicating social evils like untouchability, poverty, and illiteracy.

His beautiful and meaningful quotes are:

1) An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

2) Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

3) Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.

4) Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

So, like the above, there are many wisdom quotes taught by Mahatma Gandhi.

On Gandhi Jayanti, People pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi by organizing various events like Prayer meetings, rallies, and seminars. Schools and colleges also organize cultural programs to mark this day.

The President and Prime Minister of India pay homage to Gandhi at Rajghat, his memorial in Delhi.

Dr S.k.jha